Install with default options
Code: Select all
ZeenyxAscentialTestInstall_8.3.0_x64.exe /s /v"/qn"
Code: Select all
set options=\"AlwaysInstall,NewFeature3,NewFeature1,NewFeature2,NewFeature4\"
ZeenyxAscentialTestInstall_8.3.0_x64.exe /s /v"/qn SelectedSetupType=%options%"
Code: Select all
set options=\"AlwaysInstall,NewFeature4\"
ZeenyxAscentialTestInstall_8.3.0_x64.exe /s /v"/qn SelectedSetupType=%options%"
Logging can been added by appending the following to the silent install command:
Code: Select all
/L*V install.log
The following PowerShell command should uninstall any version of AscentialTest installed on a system. PowerShell was used in this case as it facilitates the querying of the GUID of currently installed version of AscentialTest.
Code: Select all
# Get GUID of currently installed version of Zeenxy AscentialTest
$guid = (Get-WmiObject -Class win32_product -ComputerName $hostname -Filter "Name='Zeenyx AscentialTest'").IdentifyingNumber
if ($quid -ne "") {
Write-Host "Uninstalling Zeenyx AscentialTest"
& msiexec.exe /x $guid /qn
Write-Host "Uninstall complete.`n"
} else {
Write-Host "Uninstall skipped. Zeenyx AscentialTest not installed."
With some package deployment systems, it may be necessary to extract the MSI of the AscentailTest installer. It is also useful to save of file size; the MSI is far small than the EXE installer as it does not bundle the VC++ Redistrib, MySQL ODBC drivers, and SQLite ODBC drivers. The MSI can be extracted using the following command:
Code: Select all
ZeenyxAscentialTestInstall_8.3.0_x64.exe /s /x /b"C:\DestinationDir" /v"/qn"