Here are the steps for setting up an AscentialTest connection to an Oracle database:
1. Setup a DSN:
Here are the basic steps:
Get the oracle instant client installed so that I appears in list of drivers when adding an ODBC DataSource
This link is useful for getting the driver:
Add a new ODBC source and select the Oracle Instant Driver
Here are the details:
go to:
download and extract contents of the “Instant Client Basic Light” package and copy into C:Oracle19cdb_homeinstantclient
download and extract contents of the Instant Client ODBC package and copy into C:Oracle19cdb_homeinstantclient
download and install vc_redist.x86.exe
Execute odbc_install.exe AS ADMIN from the Instant Client directory
add the Instant Client directory to the PATH Environment Variable
Create a 32-bit System ODBC DSN named AscentialTest2Oracle using the Oracle Instant Client driver
Add TNS_ADMIN system environment variable with folder that contains tnsnames.ora (C:{ORACLEBASE}}db_home1networkadmin
2. Set up the connection in AscentialTest
Database db
String connectionString= “DSN=AscentialTest2Oracle;uid=xxxx;pwd=xxxx;”
db.Execute(“Select * from dual”)